Saturday, October 21, 2023

The Mask

I see she's always worn a mask;
A mask of many colors.
Her mask, forever a smile,
Which nobody ever questioned.

For, her mask hides her pain;
Pain that is deep and real.
Pain that breaks and bleeds
The one who wears the mask.

She puts on a show for everyone;
She acts like she's happy and fine;
She laughs like she has no worries;
She lies like she has no secrets.

She puts on the mask, but feels nothing;
Acts with the mask, but means nothing;
Laughs with the mask, but enjoys nothing;
She is the mask, and nothing more.

“Who are you?”, she asks me one day.
"You look at me with curious eyes."
I want to see behind her mask;
I want to know her real self.

She takes off the mask, but shows nothing;
Speaks without the mask, but says nothing;
Smiles without the mask, but loves nothing;
She's nothing, but the mask!

– Pradeep K (Prady)


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