Thursday, May 09, 2024

The Kingdom of Shadow: The Cycle Goes On

In the beginning, there was Shadow,
Still, dark, and obscure.
From desire, ambition was born,
To create and explore.

Shadow expands, an endless chasm,
Creating, sustaining, consuming all.
Good and bad, desire's kingdom,
Divided by ambition's call.

Seeds of desire sown in creatures,
To thrive and appreciate.
Driven by ambition's features,
They shape their fate.

From desire's roots, the world emerged,
Ambition fueling life's parade.
Yet in its wake, a rift occurred,
Dividing Shadow's serenade.

Shadow expands, an endless chasm,
Creating, sustaining, consuming all.
Good and bad, desire's kingdom,
Divided by ambition's call.

Flanked by twin kingdoms, Shadow grows,
The undeniable supreme truth it shows,
Enveloped in greed, fear, and pride,
Still remains dark and obscure inside.

-- Pradeep K (Prady)

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