Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Travel Together

Nobody gets a manual
To gracefully grow old;
We'll have to figure it out
Ourselves as we go along.
Nobody else can walk the
Distance on our behalf;
But we can cover it together
We don't have to walk alone.

There's no need to rush, 
There's no need to stress;
There may be foggy days when
You cannot see very far ahead;
All you have to do is look to your side,
And you'll see me smiling with you.
We're on the right path as long
As we're walking together.

Nobody needs to fear the
Shadows along the way;
It isn't darkness, but light that
Lets them come alive and play.
Nothing need bother us as long
As we carry our own sunshine;
Our own inner sunshine into
The mysterious, dark night.

There's no need to rush, 
There's no need to stress;
There may be foggy days when
You cannot see very far ahead;
All you have to do is look to your side,
And you'll see me smiling with you.
We're on the right path as long
As we're walking together.


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