Saturday, August 24, 2024

In the Mirror’s Gaze

Life, dear chums, is quite bizarre,  
A strange reflection, near, yet far.  
You look today, and who’s that there?  
A face that meets your puzzled stare.

No, it’s not you who’s lost the trace,  
But the mirror’s eyes, in your own place.  
The person there, they seem unsure,  
Of who you are, and were before.

Perhaps a haircut, yes, a shave,  
Will guide you back from that strange wave.  
But deeper still, the change may be,  
A shift in self, you failed to see.

For life, it takes us down such roads,  
That twist and turn with hidden codes.  
And now your mirror gently shows,  
A self who wonders where it goes.

Wink back, then, at the curious face,  
Begin again, and find your pace.  
For in the end, when all’s in view,  
The one who’s lost… just might be you.

-- Pradeep K (Prady)

Thursday, May 09, 2024

The Kingdom of Shadow: The Cycle Goes On

In the beginning, there was Shadow,
Still, dark, and obscure.
From desire, ambition was born,
To create and explore.

Shadow expands, an endless chasm,
Creating, sustaining, consuming all.
Good and bad, desire's kingdom,
Divided by ambition's call.

Seeds of desire sown in creatures,
To thrive and appreciate.
Driven by ambition's features,
They shape their fate.

From desire's roots, the world emerged,
Ambition fueling life's parade.
Yet in its wake, a rift occurred,
Dividing Shadow's serenade.

Shadow expands, an endless chasm,
Creating, sustaining, consuming all.
Good and bad, desire's kingdom,
Divided by ambition's call.

Flanked by twin kingdoms, Shadow grows,
The undeniable supreme truth it shows,
Enveloped in greed, fear, and pride,
Still remains dark and obscure inside.

-- Pradeep K (Prady)

Miles Away

Driving down that old dirt road, with nothing but the moonlight to guide my way,
Didn't stop at the junction, for I couldn't afford the delay.

Got a heart full of dreams and a pocketful of hope, chasing a love that's just a mile away,
With plenty of talent, and a little bit of luck, perhaps you and I are just a smile away!

Singing songs to the stars, with your memory by my side,
Never understood the reasons you said, I wondered why you had to go away.

Got a heart full of dreams and a pocketful of hope, chasing a love that's just a mile away,
With plenty of talent, and a little bit of luck, perhaps you and I are just a smile away!

Now I'm counting every mile, every moment, every tear, hoping to find a way back to you someday,
No, I'm not there yet, you're too far ahead! I couldn't keep up with you, but I'll be there some day!

But until then, I'll keep driving down this old dirt road, chasing my dreams in my own way.

Got a heart full of dreams and a pocketful of hope, chasing a love that's just a mile away,
With plenty of talent, and a little bit of luck, perhaps you and I are just a smile away!

-- Pradeep K (Prady)

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Courage Is...

How was I to know what was going on
In your mind, and why did I hear
Of it from our common friend?
How was I to deal with a feeling so strong?

Courage is not to live without fear;
Courage is to live despite fear! 

Did you think you could ever really be
Happy, if you lived in fear constantly?
Being courageous, being successful
Not exclusive, definitely! 

Courage is not to live without fear;
Courage is to live despite fear! 

Wonder why you couldn't come to me!
Now I wonder why you wouldn't
Talk to me, at the very first signs!
Wonder why you waited!

Courage is not to live without fear;
Courage is to live despite fear! 

Courage is not to live without fear;
Courage is to live despite fear! 

Courage is not to...

-- Pradeep K (Prady)

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The Heavy Silence

In the silence of the room, a weight hangs in the air,
Echoes of the journey, the wisdom that we share.
Years of experience, intertwined with youth,
In the stillness of this moment, we find our hidden truth.

Oh, the heavy silence speaks volumes in its hush,
A bond between us formed, an unspoken trust.
In the depths of understanding, we find our common ground,
In the heavy silence, our connection is profound.

Soft laughter breaks the stillness, a gentle release,
As we navigate this journey, finding inner peace.
The echoes of the past, the dreams of the future,
In the heavy silence, we find our nurture.

Oh, the heavy silence speaks volumes in its hush,
A bond between us formed, an unspoken trust.
In the depths of understanding, we find our common ground,
In the heavy silence, our connection is profound.

In the dance of light and shadow, we find our way,
Guided by the wisdom of each passing day.
In the heavy silence, we learn to embrace,
The beauty of this moment, in its quiet grace.

Oh, the heavy silence speaks volumes in its hush,
A bond between us formed, an unspoken trust.
In the depths of understanding, we find our common ground,
In the heavy silence, our connection is profound.

-- Pradeep K (Prady)

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Mentor's Gaze

That was the day, when I called out for you;
The day that answered all my battles, past.
You glided in that day, a graceful spirit;
A dance of elegance in every move.
In the rhythm of your steps, a story unfolds;
Each stride echoes tales of shortfall untold.
Through challenges faced, you stand so bold;
A journey begun, a future to behold.

Sunsets and sunrises, marking my days;
In this journey, a lamp, unique in its ways.
In the quiet moments, where paths are led;
A solo journey, where footsteps gently tread.
Then, a twist of fate, a moment in stride;
A companion, a comrade, walked by my side.
Hope in your eyes, a second chance applied;
Our shared journey, wish you can confide.

Lessons learned in a thousand ways;
You're the sun that sets my guidance ablaze.
No direct reports for years on end;
Now, together, a journey to transcend.
Through winding paths dreams convene;
A bond forged, a rare and splendid scene.
In every challenge, a chance to glean;
Wisdom shared, with tranquil sheen.

Beneath our sun's shared and gentle light,
Whispers of concern, soft as night.
In carefree moments, shadows might;
Worries woven, a quiet plight.
Within the melody of our shared song,
A note of caution, not meant to prolong.
In leniency's dance, where hearts throng,
A mentor's concern, tender and strong.

Through laughter's grace and wisdom's gleam,
Worries flowing like a subtle stream.
Not to stifle but as a guiding beam,
To nurture potential, like a hopeful dream.
That was the day, when I called out for you;
The day that answered all my battles, past.
You glided in that day, a graceful spirit;
A dance of elegance in every move.

-- Pradeep K (Prady)


Saturday, March 16, 2024

The Red Night

What would you do when the red night comes to haunt you,
When all your torches are blind, and every corner you turn
Has a dagger pointing at you,
What would you do then?

There's no hiding from the darkness,
Which can hide everything from the light
You can run from your source, but beware,
You cannot escape your destination!

As the crimson haze surrounds and shadows play weird games,
When you're lost in the chaos, no light to guide the way,
Faint echoes of the past, whispers in the air,
Will they help you rise, or push you farther down?

Voices from the darkness, calling out your name,
As you wander aimlessly, searching for the flame.
But the red night's grip tightens, holding you near,
How will you cope with this endless maze of doubt and fear?

In the red night's embrace, your heart heavy with doubt,
Lost in the labyrinth, trying to find a way out.
Whispers of hope in the darkness you hear,
But will they lead you to freedom, or deepen your fear?

-- Pradeep K (Prady)
