Monday, October 16, 2023

Spiral Odessey

So, in the haze I stepped onto
A spiral, on which every point
Was yet another spiral!
And in the fog, I just wandered
Around, reaching places
I never knew existed!

Once I met a people who
Walked on their hands, using
Their head as a bob for balance!
They could make their legs run
Other errands independently
With nobody to oversee!

Once I met a creature that
Was born out a seed, and was
Ousted for not following norms!
It walked around providing
Shade and fruit to every tired
Creature, friend or foe!

Once I found a world where words
Held no sound, yet the rivers of
Meaning flowed profound!
Unvoiced communication, where
Minds connected by unspoken
Bonds, and silence a sweet song!

I saw universes unforseen
Worlds stranger than expected
With laws ever so different!
And I wondered, which among
These spirals is the one I really
Belong to, from where I started off?

-- Pradeep K (Prady)


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