Knowing well what will
Ultimately come to pass!
That you will quickly,
And silently, sink your
Seasoned teeth into me!
Not a fortuitous selection,
Cannot be simply shrugged off,
Because you love me, I know!
And that is why you chose me,
And helped rediscover, within,
The reasons to believe!
A memo so simple, a command
So plain that intellects lay
Defeated in a heap, so cheap!
No mystique, no myth,
Nor magic will help, for, such
Is the power of the fatal truth!
I stand humbled, and yet,
As bold as I ever have stood,
Awaiting the terminal instruction!
Kill me today, so that I
May live longer tomorrow.
May your will be done!
-Pradeep K.
Wishing all my friends and readers
A Very Happy and Prosperous 2009.